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Creating a New Identity

Mar 18, 2022

My favorite habit hack is a "Belief" based habit by James Clear, the author of Atomic Habits. Who you identify or want to identify as helps you build habits that support your new belief. 

I relate this belief habit to something my life coach taught me. She calls it BE, DO, HAVE. Who or what do you need to BE in order to DO what you need to do so you can HAVE the outcome you desire? 

Tiny changes that add up to consistent habits will lead you to HAVE the outcome you desire such as losing weight, increasing your income, building better relationships etc.  

Systems that create good habits are what you need to DO consistently to be successful. Systems like tracking your habits, time blocking, intention setting and habit stacking will help reinforce your identity. We will go into systems in depth later, remember it's about tiny changes. 

The most powerful and long lasting way to improve results is to change the identity of your self-image and BE the new identity. The first step in changing your identity is to identify and understand your core values. Aspire to become a reader not just read a book. Become a musician not just play an instrument. Become an entrepreneur not a business owner. Become a healthy person not someone doing a diet for a short period of time.  

Habits shape your identity gradually. An action equals a vote for the new identity. The more evidence (based on consistent habits) of a belief the more you believe it and the longer you stick to the habit. Change who you are the majority of the time by changing what you do consistently. 

Questions to ask yourself:

  • What makes me proud? Do more of that.
  • Who do I want to be?  Prove it to yourself.
  • What results do I want? Work back from there.
  • Who is the type of person who is successful in my area of interest? Follow their work on social media. Read what they read. 
  • What would a (healthy) person do right now? Take action.

Highly productive people believe good habits create freedom. They choose consistency over intensity. Does this resonate with you? Try the New Identity worksheet. Where will you keep this so you are reminded?

Thank you for being part of the High Achievers tribe!  

All the best,  

Ivette Flower, The High Achievers Leadership Coach 
