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6 Challenges that Impact an Entrepreneur's Mindset and How to Avoid Them entrepreneurs fear of failure imposter syndrome lack of boundaries lack of confidence less stress perfectionist positive intelligence procrastination saboteurs sales executives self-sabotage working parents

Entrepreneurs who self-sabotage often face a range of challenges that can impact their business and personal lives. Some common pain points for entrepreneurs who self-sabotage include:

  1. Lack of Self-Confidence: Entrepreneurs who self-sabotage may struggle with self-doubt and lack of...

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Leadership Starts at Home busy business owners busy life busy working executives consultant parents drill sergeant parents helicopter parents love and logic overwhelmed working parents

In 2008, I overhear a conversation my son is having with his preschool classmate: “Why are you wearing Crocs with socks?” asked his friend. I giggle with anticipation of what my 4-year-old son will say next… he quickly replies, “umm my mom told me to!” The morning...

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As a top sales executive earning a 6-figure income while working part-time I learned how to increase productivity and make time for what matters most. I teach others to do the same in record time with science-based tools. 

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